06 June 2008

12 more days!

Hey everyone!

Sorry we haven't posted anything in a while. It's been a little busy around here. Last Friday Mike and I successfully moved out of our Lawrence aparment and moved all our stuff to Bob & Karen's (Mike's parents) house in Kansas City. Big THANK YOUs go to all who helped us get our stuff together and moved because it was a very big job.

Mike and I are now living in Piper (AKA KCK) with his parents. We joke that it is kind of preparing us for Mauritania in a way since they have no cable tv and only dial-up Internet access. However, it has been really great to spend time with our families before our departure on June 17th.

Over the past week we've been taking care of some important pre-departure activities...shopping, changing addresses, organizing all the stuff from our apartment in the Yunghans basement, and seeing Sex & the City and Indiana Jones!!! Next Friday we're having our going away party and it looks like many friends and family are planning to attend.

The next week and a half will probably be pretty busy for us, and with the limited Internet, I'm not sure if we'll have a chance to post again before we leave. So possibly the next time you hear from us we'll be on the road, either in Atlanta or Africa!!

Hope everyone is having a great summer!


LW said...

I'm glad you are getting settled in your temporary home, and I will start writing you guys soon. Have a great time at your party!