13 May 2008

Comments Needed

Please let us know you are reading our blog by leaving us comments!!!   We really like them :) and are happy to know that somewhere out there, someone is paying attention to what we write here.  We'd also like to know if there are any particular topics you'd like us to cover or questions we can answer for you on this blog.

I'm currently procrastinating from packing up the apartment...so I'd better get back to work.  Our lease is up at the end of the month and then we'll be staying with our parents for the first couple weeks of June before we leave.  Yikes...lots to do.

Hey, does anyone know someone that needs a car?  I'll be putting my Scion on the market soon!


LW said...

I read your blog! I have it RSS fed to my .mac mailbox. (Is that the right usage of that term? Probably not.) I can't think of any hot topics to discuss yet ...

Brandon Forester said...

Hey hey, I'm reading your blog! I wish I had time to come up to Lawrence and visit before Atlanta but it's so busy getting ready! You should add a subscription feature to your blog so it will email people whenever you blog!

primaldreams said...

I read your blog. I am so looking forward to meeting everyone and starting our adventures. Time is FLYING and Mauritania is calling.

picture-me-rollin said...

Go to www.sitemeter.com, sign up and add the code to your webpage. You can see how many hits a day your blog gets, location, what web browser they are using, all sorts of info. If you go to my blog, scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see the "Sitemeter" logo. Click on it and it will take you to the site. Enjoy!

Katie said...

Thanks Adam!

Rachel said...

I am reading...I admire you two so much!