29 March 2008

Getting started

We are down to less than three months left before our departure for the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (RIM). Mike and I have so much to do before June 17th it makes my head hurt, but I know we'll manage to get things done somehow. Right now we're trying to brush up our very rusty French skills with daily lessons on Rosetta Stone. I've also been making numerous lists of things to pack and take care of before we leave.

Although I'm very nervous about our upcoming departure, I am also very excited and ready for a change. I've been working night shift for the past three years, and it is really starting to mess up my internal clock. Although I dearly love everyone at the Birthplace, it will be nice to get back to a more regular schedule again.

However, I'm trading one difficulty in for a multitude of others. Mike and I will not only be learning a new language, we'll also have to adjust to a completely different climate, a new culture, and a drastically different standard of living. But as they say...nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

Mike and I hope to keep this blog updated throughout our 27 months of training and service with Peace Corps in RIM. Once we arrive in Africa though, the posts may become a bit sporadic as I'm not sure we will have electricity, let alone Internet access. But according to current RIM volunteers that we've heard from, even those at sites with no electricity get to come in to the capital city once in a while for inservices, vacations, etc.

It's now almost 8:30 am and I have been up all night...so it's time for me to go to bed! We'll be posting more soon (and hopefully Mike will be an equal contributer...we shall see)!


Monica said...

It's so incredibly awesome that you guys are doing this. It seems sometimes that the time to join the peace corps is before you get married, settle down, etc. I think it's incredible that you both chose to do this together...YAY! I wish you all the best in Mauritania!!
Take care,
Monica (Jurado) Kelly