Hello everyone!
This post is to let you know about two U.S. organizations working with midwives in Senegal & Mali (the two countries that are directly south and east of Mauritania). These groups are working to educate and assist midwives and birth attendants working in these two countries. I'm providing links to their websites so you can look at photos and get more information if you would like.
The African Birth Collective http://africanbirthcollective.org/ (blog site http://africanbirthcollective.blogspot.com/ )
Mali Midwives http://www.malimidwives.org/index.php (or search for Mali Midwives on facebook)
Both groups are currently fundraising for projects that would help women in labor deliver their babies more safely. Currently maternal deaths during childbirth in developing countries are still very common due to lack of information, education, transportation, and sanitation. These groups are saving lives in Senegal & Mali by assisting the local midwives to have the most current education, supplies, and support.
During and immediately following my Peace Corps service, I was in contact with the women who lead these two organizations, one of whom was a Peace Corps volunteer herself. They are very dedicated to their organizations and I hope to continue to work with them in the future. I also would like to learn from them so that perhaps I can start my own organization to assist midwives working in Mauritania in the future.
I know that the economy is rough right now, and many are without the means to donate to additional organizations. But if you are able to spare even just a little for a one time donation, please give to them. Mike and I don't have a lot of extra money right now either since we are both heading back to school this fall, but we are able to find a bit here and there to give. I hope you will be able to as well. These groups didn't ask me to find donors, and you don't have to worry about me following up to see if you've given anything. This is just a one-time message to let you know about these wonderful organizations.
If I had been able to stay in Mauritania, perhaps I would have been able to put together a project that would help the midwives there, and you could have sent a donation to my project. However, because we were evacuated early, I was unable to carry out many of the project ideas I wanted to pursue. Please view this as my project, and if you would have given to me as a Peace Corps volunteer, please give to these groups instead.
Thank you to everyone who supported us during our Peace Corps service by sending cards, emails, thoughts, prayers, care packages, etc. We appreciate all that you have already done for us.
Katie Yunghans
Book Recommendations:
"Half the Sky" by Nicholas D. Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn
"Monique and the Mango Rains" by Kris Holloway
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