23 September 2008

Shemwasi m'ha Ramadan? Zayn Hate!

(How are things going with Ramadan? Really great!) Actually it is kind of tough, but I only know how to say basic phrases in Hassaniya (the local Arabic dialect). I'm not fasting or anything, but you always have to be careful that you aren't eating or drinking in public. That doesn't sound like a lot but you have to plan your whole day around this fact. Plus, it is hard for Muslims to put in a full work day when you add not eating to heat, so a lot of places are closed that would normally be open. The school year is fast approaching (October 5, I think) and I'm looking forward to it just so I have something to do. I'm still worried about classroom management with such big classes (between 30 and 70 students per class), but I will hopefully get better with time.
Luckily, we have had a lot of visitors lately to help keep us occupied. First it was Iain, a Scottish Aid worker in Somalia on his way home, then Justin and Christina another married couple in Mauritania, Antonio (a tourist from Chile) and right now Jessica (PCV from Chinguitty, RIM) and her mom Bonnie are actually staying at our apartment. They are our guinea pigs or trial run for visitors of our new place. We'll get pictures soon. Everyone has been incredibly kind. It's amazing how fast you can become friends with someone when you share a similar experience.
Sorry for the short post, I'm taking Jessica and Bonnie to the beach. Tough life! Thanks to everyone for the packages and letters. They help out a lot. However, I need to reciprocate with the letters. I think the tally between my dad and me stands at 14-0. Sorry dad.



roxigirl said...

Hi Mike! I finally figured out the blogging! Actually I knew all along but I belong to several other blog accounts and didn't realize I need to use the same user ID and password. I think the blogging accounts all started at the same time for me..sort of. Glad things are going well for you and hope you get a classroom size that is with-in your comfort zone. I know you have probably been pushed past your "zone" a lot lately!
