Yep. I'm pretty sure this picture sums up what many PC RIM Volunteers are feeling and have been feeling for the past month. (Thanks Steve. These pictures made me laugh louder than anything these past 15 months)
So, if you haven't heard, PC RIM has been shut down for security reasons. All volunteers have the option of waiting out the indefinite suspension of the program, re-enrolling in another country, a direct transfer to other anxious programs, or to close their service (COS). Katie and I have decided to COS.
I wanted that 2nd year. We all did. It offers a volunteer a real chance to build on his or her experiences. I remember when I started the application process and thought to myself, 'Man, 27 months? Why don't they have a 1-year option?' Now I know. And honestly, for me, a second year in another country would deprive me of the main reasons I would want a second year: friendships at site, a knowledge of the education system backed by a year of experience, and just building off of what I now know. I'm sure much of it could be applicable in another country, but it just didn't seem like the right decision. I don't know. It's still all sinking in.
We're not sure exactly of immediate plans (next 3-4 months) but we will update when we can.